Certified school
The ADM (American Development Model) program attempts to address the deficiencies that exist in sport in general regarding athletic development appropriate not only to chronological age, but to cognitive age.
We need to be able to create individuals with a general culture of sport so that they remain active throughout their lives, preventing them from getting injured and/or dropping out of the sport by “burning out” while trying to achieve dangerous shortcuts.
The main current risks we face are overweight and obese individuals , excessive use of alcohol, drugs, school dropouts and abandonment of physical activity in general.
The ADM program focuses not only on physical, but emotional and social issues appropriate for each stage of growth. ADM is supported and supported by multi-sport activities, focusing on fun, and letting children be children, getting away from the idea that children are small adults.
The Meaztegi Golf nursery school adopts this model with the aim of achieving the following motto “As many as possible, for as long as possible, with the best possible experience”.
"There are far more important things in the world than missing an eagle putt on a Sunday."